Accept what is...
Become present...
Choose gratitude...
As of late I have been really testing this valuable piece of knowledge that came to me so long ago. So many times I am hearing myself in dialogue saying "practice what you teach" "you know what to do, just get about doing it" and "come on, ABC girly, get on it."
Acceptance, it's the start of all things in life that we're experiencing. Good or bad, easy or challenging we don't get in the flow of what we're learning here until we accept what's going on in our lives. Even the ugly places and experiences we have been through require acceptance. Acceptance to learn and grow, acceptance to forgive ourselves and others. Yes, all of life begins with acceptance.
Being present is the second step. The step where you put the brakes on your mind from going to muck, where you take the drivers seat of the car of life and dictate what you think. When it's hard to reel in my brain I always go back to my breathing. This is something I learned from Eckhart Tolle. If you haven't read his books, you should. Being present is what allows you to get to the positive thoughts, to turn your thought patterns to ways that will help you verses hurt you.
Once you're in the here and now again then you have to go about the business of focusing on what's right, on what you're grateful for. Easier said then done but always achievable, even when dealing with the tough subjects, with things such as the waves of the grieving process or the uncertainty of illness or disease. I can always make myself feel better if I can get to this point. Here are two examples of ways I've shown gratitude towards the negatives of my life. Unhealthy relationships taught me what I don't want and who I will not be. Procrastination taught me that there's no time like the here and now. See how that worked?
Moving forward into Spring I'm in the now and practicing what I teach. Wishing you signing birds, warmer temperatures and a year full of being present.
Copyright ©2013 Nita Clewis
Become present...
Choose gratitude...
As of late I have been really testing this valuable piece of knowledge that came to me so long ago. So many times I am hearing myself in dialogue saying "practice what you teach" "you know what to do, just get about doing it" and "come on, ABC girly, get on it."
Acceptance, it's the start of all things in life that we're experiencing. Good or bad, easy or challenging we don't get in the flow of what we're learning here until we accept what's going on in our lives. Even the ugly places and experiences we have been through require acceptance. Acceptance to learn and grow, acceptance to forgive ourselves and others. Yes, all of life begins with acceptance.
Being present is the second step. The step where you put the brakes on your mind from going to muck, where you take the drivers seat of the car of life and dictate what you think. When it's hard to reel in my brain I always go back to my breathing. This is something I learned from Eckhart Tolle. If you haven't read his books, you should. Being present is what allows you to get to the positive thoughts, to turn your thought patterns to ways that will help you verses hurt you.
Once you're in the here and now again then you have to go about the business of focusing on what's right, on what you're grateful for. Easier said then done but always achievable, even when dealing with the tough subjects, with things such as the waves of the grieving process or the uncertainty of illness or disease. I can always make myself feel better if I can get to this point. Here are two examples of ways I've shown gratitude towards the negatives of my life. Unhealthy relationships taught me what I don't want and who I will not be. Procrastination taught me that there's no time like the here and now. See how that worked?
Moving forward into Spring I'm in the now and practicing what I teach. Wishing you signing birds, warmer temperatures and a year full of being present.
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