What Allows Me To Follow This Passion

For as long as I can remember I have written down my observations on life.  Recently I found a box of all my late 80s to mid 90s things.  It gave me a profound appreciation for honoring this one thing that makes me so very happy.  You see, it hasn't always been this way.  There were many years where I was just too busy or too exhausted from being too busy to sit down and write about what was going on.  It always bothered me that it was this way too.  I mean, if I couldn't take time for myself to do it, what else in my life was falling short from being too busy?

Somewhere along the journey I too became too busy with work, spent many hours unbalanced on a career and way of life versus actually enjoying the life I was living.  To think I used to waste four hours a day of my life commuting still bothers me at times.  All those hours gone.  At least I was returning each day to my sanctuary, my home in the mountains.  I used to tell myself many people just get to come for the weekends, I get to come here every night.  Hey, whatever it took to keep it going for the two and half years I did so.  We're talking 60-99 miles one way people.  Alas, it got me to where I am today.  That experience and circumstances beyond my control later on would all play a divine roll in my life today, one where I have time to pursue my passion of writing.  So nothing really is ever in vain now is it?

My old morning view as I used to walk to my car and embark on my journey into the office.
I'm now fortunate enough to work for myself and I greet each day I have with joy.  I think that's the key to life, make work what you love and you'll never feel like you're 'at work.'  It wasn't an easy path though.  I used to work in an office using my skills to help others.  That was richly rewarding.  Sometimes I get the opportunity to continue to do so which is fabulous because I dearly miss it.  I didn't leave what I used to do voluntarily though, which is why I say it wasn't easy.  I was laid off in late 2008.  Eventually options dried up and unemployment ran out.  It's not like unemployment pays the bills anyway when you're living on 10 acres that border the Shenandoah National Park.  I was fortunate in that I had a plan B I'd been faithfully nurturing along extremely part-time (1 hour a week at most).  Sadly, too many of us don't have Plan Bs or other interests to sustain us if things run out.  We're changing the legal system.  That's pretty great in and of itself.  I know first hand how broken and inaccessible it is.  I mean really broken and inaccessible, so much so it made me despise it at times.

In that our industry is built upon referrals and relationships, please feel free to let others know that I found something that allowed me to save myself, my family and my way of life from not only the recession but from unbalanced living that didn't allow me to follow my dreams.  You can email me directly requesting information at nitaclewis at gmail dot com (darn internet bots) or visit my website at www.NitaClewis.com.