Monday, November 17, 2014


Surrender is a process. It's a deliberate choice that we make amidst that which is unpleasant to us. It's a way of survival. It's a goal that allows one's self to accept that which one is powerless over.  

Surrender isn't approval or disapproval. It's not a green light to letting go either. It's a process because it's something we have to mindfully do. We have to practice surrender. I don't think we really ever perfect it. Somewhere in the act of allowing for it to happen, we learn the lesson of it all. In the end, I think that's the point. To allow us to observe what is and to go about what needs to be done anyway.  

Therefore, surrender is an important skill that we are to procure on our way to enlightenment. Remember that. I love you.

Copyright ©2014 Nita Clewis All rights reserved.  For personal use only.  Commercial use without permission of the author is not allowed.  Sharing with friends and family is warmly welcomed. Copyright ©2014 Nita Clewis All rights reserved.  For personal use only.  Commercial use without permission of the author is not allowed.  Sharing with friends and family is warmly welcomed.